Lighting by Kevin
a little about..

my Process

By listening, working with clients and being part of the rehearsal process from an early stage I can collaboratively enhance the production and showcase the talent on stage. Live music, corporate presentations, theatre, comedians, everyone deserves to be seen in their best light.

Selected reviews from around the world

  • The production elements—including Burkett’s set, Kevin Humphrey’s lighting design, and John Alcorn’s music—couldn’t be stronger.
  • Kevin Humphrey designed the dramatic lighting...
  • ...Kevin Humphrey’s lighting is painterly indeed.
  • ...the show is beautifully designed and executed, with Burkett receiving flawless assists from Kevin Humphrey’s exquisite lighting...
  • Kevin Humphrey's lighting finds the right hues for Penny's world
  • Penny Plain is breathtaking to behold... The lighting design of Kevin Humphrey knows when to be subtle and when to be bold
  • The production is fast-moving and intelligible. And it’s beautiful to look at, thanks to Cory Sincennes’s design — a classically symmetrical Shakespearean tiered stage with, yes, a lovely balcony — his gorgeous costumes, and Kevin Humphrey’s extravagantly burnished, marbled, painterly lighting. The route to the tomb has never been more irresistible.
  • I especially loved the collaboration between the set design and the lighting design (by Kevin Humphrey) and projections used during the scene changes, which subtly (and beautifully) showed the passing of time.